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Balls for swimming pool cleaner - Choose the size of the brush to match with the size of the brush : 60mm - 75mm ou 80mm (REF MB4.1)

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Size : 125 x 65 x 100 cm
Description: Since about fifteen years, our cleaning system is employed in the whole world. at Ikea, in cleaning companies, in health agencies and familial playful centers for the cleaning and the disinfection of balls swimming pools. Controlled security and maintenance thanks to the hygienic cleaning system of the balls. Essential point when the health, the joy of playing and hygiene are priorities. Balls cleaner with brush for polyethylene balls with a radius of 60, 75 or 80 mm. The cleaning balls system is composed of : 
- a suction element for the balls with a radius of 60-80 mm ; a 5m suction hose with a radius of 165 mm, lever included ;  ; a 1,5m balls conveyance hose with a radius of 165 mm from the suction element to the cleaning element ; a cleaning element for balls with brush ; a built-in submerged pomp ; 2 reinforcing RVS thread ; a 10m drain hose ; 2 blue rags ; 25 threads ; a cleaning/disinfectant box (for 25 cleanings)
On order

4530,00 € excl tax
5436.0 € TTC

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