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AirFloor 10 cm thick - 3m x 2m - Transport bag and User manual (REF MS-AirFloor 3)

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Size : 3m x 2m
Reference : MS-AirFloor 3
Description : This mat is the perfect training aid for all artistic floor exercises. By adding a foam bonded carpet on top of the AirFloor, the pressure is created as a real gymnastic floor, while still having the advantage of creating your personalized pressure.
Included : Transport bag + User manual
Required : OV10 Blower
Recommended for : Gymnastics / Recreational gym / Pre-School Gymnastics / School sports / Shows Groups / Cheerleading / Tricking / Martial arts / Elderly gym / Fitness 
On order

782,00 € excl tax
938.4 € TTC

Tapis de sol en mousse 

Nous proposons pour les écoles, crèches, garderies, des tapis exclusivement en mousse.

Foam post protection

Protection en mousse pour tout type de poteaux. Protection de Pilier Cylindrique Mousse PU ou PE.